Launch your project !
This guide is designed to simplify your understanding of OpenIndus modules and streamline your development process. It provides step-by-step instructions for setting up the environment and initiating coding.
You’ll discover detailed descriptions of each module in the “modules” section, along with specifications for every function in the “functions” section. Furthermore, the “projects” section contains comprehensive code examples that demonstrate how our system operates.
This documentation is based on the latest stable version of the OpenIndus software. It will be updated to reflect future improvements.
Let’s start by understanding how OpenIndus’ modules work.
Each module embeds specific hardware functions. The idea is to gather all the modules you need for your system.
For systems with multiple modules, a rail is required to interconnect them. In such setups, one module operates as the “master,” while the rest are designated as “slaves.” This setup means that programming is only required for the master module; other modules do not need individual programming.
Currently, the “master” module must be either an OI-Core or OI-CoreLite, but we are actively working to enable the use of any module as a “master.”
For single-module setups, no rail is needed, and programming can be directly done on the module itself, which is then referred to as a “standalone” module.
Understanding these distinctions is crucial when initiating a new project, as you’ll have the option to choose between “master,” “standalone,” and “slave” configurations.
All our modules utilize Espressif chips and can be programmed using Arduino. If you’re familiar with Arduino programming, you’ll find it seamless. If not, don’t worry; programming with Arduino is straightforward, and this guide will walk you through it step by step.
The easiest way to set up everything is by using Visual Studio Code with the OpenIndus and PlatformIO extensions. You’ll find a comprehensive installation guide in the Environment Installation section.
Environment Installation
Visual Studio Code
To begin with, install Visual Studio Code. It will be the IDE to develop with our modules. VSCode is supported on Windows, Linux and Mac. Please check the installation link.
Install OpenIndus VSCode Extension
Once you have installed VSCode, you’ll be able to add the OpenIndus extension. $ This extension will add some commands to VSCode, such as creating a new project or retrieving information about connected modules.
Open the Extension panel
Search for OpenIndus
Click on Install button

The first time it can takes several minutes because VSCode will also install PlatformIO. PlatformIO is a powerful tools which will allow you to have a build system for a great number of boards including ours, without external dependencies. If you want more information please check PlatformIO documentation.
Begin with your first project
Start a new project
At this point, you have all you need to begin your first program.
Click on the OpenIndus logo on the left bar
Click on create a new project.
Choose the device you will program. We recommend to start by programming on an OI-Core or an OI-CoreLite.
Choose a root folder for your application (if you answer ‘yes’ for default location, the project will be stored in “Documents/PlatformIO/Projects”).
Choose a name for your application
Choose the ‘type’ of project. If you have a system with several modules, choose ‘master’ and if you have a system with only one module, choose ‘slave’.
Wait while the project is been created. A new folder will open up with your new project !

First time you create a project, PlatformIO will automatically install the toolchain and Espressif libraries. This can take a while depending on your internet connection (several minutes).
Build your project
The created project prints ‘Hello World!’ to the serial port. You can find the main code in src/main.cpp. If you are familiar with Arduino, you will recognize the ‘setup’ and ‘loop’ functions.
Before uploading this code to the console, you will have to build this code. Click on the build button on the bottom bar to build your project.

First time you build a project, all sources files from Espressif library are built, don’t worry it is a normal behaviour. Next build will be faster.
If you get an error message saying “command ‘’ not found” it is because PlatformIO is not ready yet. Wait until the end of the process (you can see it running on the bottom status bar).
Upload your project
Plug the device you want to upload to your computer with an USB cable. Windows should detect the chip and automatically download the driver. If you cannot see your device in the device manager, please download manually the driver from this link: Silicon Labs driver.
Then click on the upload button on the bottom bar.

If you have only one device plug into your computer, PlatformIO should detect it automatically. If you have several devices, select the good one by changing from ‘Auto’ to the wanted COM port.
You do not need to click on the build button before upload, PlatformIO will detect if the project has to be build again before uploading.
Monitor your project
After a successful upload, click on the monitor button on the bottom bar to see the log output of your device.

Start coding
Now you are ready to create your own projects !
Read Digital Input
You can change the default code in the main.cpp file. Below is an example of reading the value of Digital Input 1 and printing the result to the serial monitor every second.
#include "OpenIndus.h"
#include "Arduino.h"
// First, init the master device
OICore core;
void setup(void)
// put your setup code here, to run once:
Serial.println("Hello World !");
void loop(void)
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
Serial.print("Value of Digital Input 1 is ");
Add one slave devices
We are now going to an OI-Discrete as a slave device in your code. For that you need to connect on the same bus a Core/CoreLite and an Discrete. Modify the main.cpp file as follow:
#include "OpenIndus.h"
#include "Arduino.h"
// First, init the master device
OICore core;
// Then add slave device here :
OIDiscrete discrete;
void setup(void)
// put your setup code here, to run once:
Serial.println("Hello World !");
void loop(void)
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
Serial.print("Value of Digital Input 1 of OI-Discrete is ");
Add several slaves devices (with auto ID)
If you want to add several slaves devices, you have to add them in the code in the same order as they are mounted on the rail.
For example, if you have the following hardware configuration:

You need to instantiate board in the following order:
OIDiscrete discrete1();
OIMixed mixed1();
OIDiscrete discrete2();
Here is a full example code for the configuration above:
#include "OpenIndus.h"
#include "Arduino.h"
// First, init the master device
OICore core;
// Then add slave device here :
OIDiscrete discrete1();
OIMixed mixed1();
OIDiscrete discrete2();
void setup(void)
// put your setup code here, to run once:
Serial.println("Hello World !");
void loop(void)
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
Serial.print("Value of Digital Input 1 of OI-Discrete 1 is ");
Serial.print("Value of Digital Input 1 of OI-Discrete 2 is ");
Serial.print("Value of Digital Input 1 of OI-Mixed 1 is ");
Add several slaves devices (with serial number)
An alternative way of adding slave devices is to instantiate them with serial number.

With the configuration above, you can instantiate modules as follow without caring about the order:
OIDiscrete discrete1(0000128);
OIDiscrete discrete2(0000273);
OIMixed mixed1(0000235);
This way of instantiate is not scalable. If you change one module, the part number will be different and you will have to update your code. The advantage is that you can place your module where you want on the rail.
Add external library to the code
One of the main advantage of using pio is the wide range of library compatible with OpenIndus modules which is supported. It can helps you to quickly implements functions in your code.
To add a library, use the libraries tool from PlatformIO:
Open PlatformIO Home
Click on the “Libraries” panel
Search for a library
Select a library
Click on “Add to project”
Select the project
Click on “Add”
Most or libraries compatible with “framework:arduino” and “platform:espressif32” will work with OI-Core module