Digital Input


Digital inputs are standard input which are available on several modules:

Main characteristics

  • The input level is compatible with 3.3V and 5V levels, as well as industrial levels (12V, 24V), up to 30V.

  • The voltage level on all digital inputs is independent of the power supply. This means you can read the value of a 24V or a 3.3V sensor when the system is supplied with 12V.

  • A Schmitt trigger comparator with a hysteresis of 1V is used on all inputs to improve immunity to input noise.

  • An analog input filter with a response time of 45kHz is enabled on all entries to filter noise.

  • If left floating, the input value will always be ‘0’.

  • Inputs are compatible with both PNP sensors and push-pull sensors.


You cannot use NPN sensors with digital inputs.

Example of connection for digital output


Digital inputs specifications




Minimum Voltage Input HIGH


above this value, a logic ‘1’ is guaranteed

Maximum Voltage Input LOW


below this value, a logic ‘0’ is guaranteed

Maximum voltage




Sampling frequency


See note 1 for OI-Core


Note 1: On OI-Core and OI-CoreLite modules, the maximum input frequency is 1kHz.

Code examples

The example code above demonstrates how to read the value of an input on an OI-Core module.

#include "OpenIndus.h"
#include "Arduino.h"

/* Instanciate */
OICore core;
int din_value[4];

void setup(void)

void loop(void)
    /* Read value from DIN 1 to 4 */
    din_value[0] = core.digitalRead(DIN_1);
    din_value[1] = core.digitalRead(DIN_2);
    din_value[2] = core.digitalRead(DIN_3);
    din_value[3] = core.digitalRead(DIN_4);

    /* Print value in monitor */
    Serial.printf("DIN_1: %i | DIN_2: %i | DIN_3: %i | DIN_4: %i\n", din_value[0], din_value[1], din_value[2], din_value[3]);

    /* Wait for 200ms before reading value again */

This one, shows you how to use interrupt on an OI-Discrete module.

#include "OpenIndus.h"
#include "Arduino.h"

/* Instanciate */
OIDiscrete discrete;

/* Callbacks: Print and detach interrupt */
void callback1(void*) { Serial.println("Interrupt on DIN_1 !"); discrete.detachInterrupt(DIN_1); }
void callback2(void*) { Serial.println("Interrupt on DIN_2 !"); discrete.detachInterrupt(DIN_2); }
void callback3(void*) { Serial.println("Interrupt on DIN_3 !"); discrete.detachInterrupt(DIN_3); }
void callback4(void*) { Serial.println("Interrupt on DIN_4 !"); discrete.detachInterrupt(DIN_4); }
void callback5(void*) { Serial.println("Interrupt on DIN_5 !"); discrete.detachInterrupt(DIN_5); }
void callback6(void*) { Serial.println("Interrupt on DIN_6 !"); discrete.detachInterrupt(DIN_6); }
void callback7(void*) { Serial.println("Interrupt on DIN_7 !"); discrete.detachInterrupt(DIN_7); }
void callback8(void*) { Serial.println("Interrupt on DIN_8 !"); discrete.detachInterrupt(DIN_8); }
void callback9(void*) { Serial.println("Interrupt on DIN_9 !"); discrete.detachInterrupt(DIN_9); }
void callback10(void*) { Serial.println("Interrupt on DIN_10 !"); discrete.detachInterrupt(DIN_10); }

void setup(void)
    /* Attach interrupt*/
    discrete.attachInterrupt(DIN_1, callback1, RISING_MODE);
    discrete.attachInterrupt(DIN_2, callback2, RISING_MODE);
    discrete.attachInterrupt(DIN_3, callback3, RISING_MODE);
    discrete.attachInterrupt(DIN_4, callback4, RISING_MODE);
    discrete.attachInterrupt(DIN_5, callback5, RISING_MODE);
    discrete.attachInterrupt(DIN_6, callback6, RISING_MODE);
    discrete.attachInterrupt(DIN_7, callback7, RISING_MODE);
    discrete.attachInterrupt(DIN_8, callback8, RISING_MODE);
    discrete.attachInterrupt(DIN_9, callback9, RISING_MODE);
    discrete.attachInterrupt(DIN_10, callback10, RISING_MODE);

void loop(void)

Software API

class DigitalInputs

Public Static Functions

static int digitalRead(DIn_Num_t num)

Read an input level. Argument is the DIN to read. The function return an integer that correspond to the value of the DIN.


num – DIN to monitor.


Value of the DIN input (1 or 0).

static void attachInterrupt(DIn_Num_t num, IsrCallback_t callback, InterruptMode_t mode, void *arg = NULL)

Attach a user callback to the DIN interrupts.

  • num – DIN to attach interrupt.

  • callback – Handler to execute when an interrupt occurs.

  • mode – Interrupt mode (RISING, FALLING or CHANGE)

  • arg – argument for the handler

static void detachInterrupt(DIn_Num_t num)

Detach interrupt of a given DIN.


num – DIN to detach interrupt.